Thursday 5 January 2017

Integrated development environment

Integrated development environment
      An IDE is a software development tool that is mainly used by the developers to write and test the programs or software. These are actually a migration form of primitive text editors to use of more full function technologies that might help you in editing code more quickly and efficiently. Generally the IDEs are complicated to learn, takes time to master.

Why do we use them?
      For a professional software engineer to build a large scale systems he needs a technological support at the point of typing the code. At that point IDE comes in and helps the developer. The developers who are skilled in IDE can successfully understand, correct and improve large software systems faster.

What is a difference between a code editor and an IDE?
                      Generally the IDEs take you to a whole new level, particularly things like code completion, while typing code the IDEs will be able to guess what you’re about to type and a drop down list appears and select from them which makes the coding very easier. Moreover during compilation it is difficult to check errors in notepad or text-editors whereas in IDE things are bit simpler.

Features of IDE
      *It supports for coding by easy navigation through codes and code completion
      *It is very easier to test and debug a code in an integrated development environment than the code editor.
     *One of the most important useful feature of an IDE is support for refactoring.. i.e It helps programmers in differentiating the names of class, variables, packages, etc.
     *It provides support for IDE independent, cross platform, standardized by helping in compilation, testing, packaging and automated quality assurance.

Properties of IDE
       *Language aware editing.
       *Project definition facilities.
       *Integrated compilation.
       *Integrated stepwise execution.

Advantages of using IDEs
       *Reformat coding.
       *Check matching braces.
       *Single step through a function.
       *Traverse a package hierarchy searching for all the instances of a specific string.
       *Helps in generating the UML diagram.

Some of the best IDEs
     *Eclipse- particularly for Java.
     *Visual Studio- for programming languages like C, C++, C#.
     *Android Studio- particularly for Android Java.
     *Pycharm- Particularly for Python.
     *RubyMine-Particularly for ruby on rails.



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